
Things are certainly getting on, Pip's growing bigger - fast, and I'm feeling it - but it's still a bit early to call this the "home stretch", I do believe. Keep cookin', and let me sleep while you're at it 💛 Paul's gone this week! Nana came in last weekend and took him back with her after Mass. He has a very full, Texas-themed agenda ahead of him: Bluebell factory, Houston Aquarium, HEB trips, and an Astros game, to name a few. We miss him, particularly Jack, I think, since he gets it the least. He woke up on the first day, came in with his head cocked and hands upturned, "Pau? Pau?" Very sweet. So Ada, Jack, and I are making the most of the different (slightly lower) energy level. We're cooking together and playing together . Here I was thinking I wasn't engaging my kids enough 1-on-1, yadda yadda, but it's Paul who rules the roost when he's here! And the other two want whatever he's got on offer! Hilario...