19 weeks

Just a couple of days after last post, Ada, Jack, and I paid a visit to Dr. Baur. I do miss the private-practice scenario we had while first pregnant back in 2011 because, boy, these visits to a big hospital's clinic sure take up a lot of time. Both kids were fantastic, had snacks, read, flipped through a food magazine saying, "Mmmm" at every burger or egg (that part was Jack...), found out that there are lots of car ads in food magazines ("vroom, vroom!"), and after a mere hour and 5 minutes, we checked the heartbeat with the doppler, answered the "how are you feeling" questions, and were free to go after just 4 minutes. I'm thankful for these two easy-going little ones, for sure, and most grateful things are going smoothly with Pip! Let's try to space these visits out, now. Next up is the halfway ultrasound! And we'll get to see how much Pip's moving, since I can already feel lots of action! Since then, I cram-read the final book ...