
Trying to keep up on posting, so it's not quite so lengthy when I do! I forgot to include in the last one that around 15weeks I felt Pip for the first time. Apparently the placenta is anterior, so I wasn't expecting anything until much later, but I felt a little flutter in one particular spot while falling asleep one night. Then, I felt flutters a few times over a couple of minutes this past week, and Dylan got to feel them, too 😍. It's one of the best feelings! Today I even felt kicking while going about regular activities, so you know it's the real deal! I've also got my next appointment scheduled for Monday (managed to stretch it out an extra week past the recommended 4 ;) ) and after that, the next one will be the big halfway ultrasound. Goodness! Things are ticking along fine. I'm feeling the larger awkwardness already that usually doesn't set in until the 3rd trimester, but then I catch myself in the mirror, and I'm really not that big at all, yet...