20-23 wks + ultrasound!

Pip's ticking along, making him or herself known both more regularly to me via flutters and bigger kicks and to everyone else, apparently, as I've gotten many more comments in the past 2 weeks about how baby's "popped out" ... It's probably true, yes, but I've also switched my clothes, which makes the bump stand out a bit more. Check up with Dr. Baur was great! Ultrasound was awesome, as always. We heard the "woo woo woo" of the heartbeat and got to see all sorts of movements on the "baby movie", as Paul and Ada call it. And my favorite is feeling a kick and seeing it on the screen at the same time. Pip's head was up/to the side at the time, and while I know we have time yet, let's just hope things sort themselves out in the right direction, not pulling an Ada-breech position, necessitating intervention. Here are those pictures first, and then the rest will take us back to Mother's Day weekend in Houston up to present 😊 ...